Dear Cable Company:
Please take C-SPAN off my TV.
Every once in a while, the remote lands on C-SPAN. Today, the ammendments to the 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill caught my eye. Paraphrasing Rep. Ray La Hood (R-IL):
$2.5 million for a heat-resistant battery. As La Hood commented later: to me, this is a no-brainer.
Every once in a while, the remote lands on C-SPAN. Today, the ammendments to the 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill caught my eye. Paraphrasing Rep. Ray La Hood (R-IL):
This is a heat-resistant battery. It wouldn't have been created if not for a public/private partnership.
$2.5 million for a heat-resistant battery. As La Hood commented later: to me, this is a no-brainer.